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Break the situation of "big market and small enterprises": the competition in the bathroom industry intensifies and ushers in new market changes
发表时间:2021-11-24     阅读次数:     字体:【

In the post epidemic stage, with the continuous improvement of consumer demand, the sanitary ware industry has ushered in a new round of industrial reform. Recently, people in the industry said in an interview that the competition in the sanitary ware industry is further intensifying, constantly showing new industry hotspots, and intelligence, cross-border and overall solutions have become the key words of development.

According to the data, the market demand scale of China's sanitary ware industry in 2019 was 90.436 billion yuan. China's sanitary ware industry started relatively late. In the 1990s, a number of international well-known Sanitary Ware brands successively entered the Chinese market, which led to the development of China's sanitary ware industry to a certain extent. At the beginning of the 21st century, with the support of technological development and national policies, a number of domestic brands emerged in the sanitary ware industry, gradually got rid of the dependence on foreign technology and possessed the ability of independent R & D and innovation.

"At present, the scale of China's sanitary ware market is not small, but the industrial concentration is low, and the scale of enterprises is small. It is a typical 'big market and small enterprises', and many production capacity is OEM or OEM." Ding Wei, CEO of Hengjie group, said that earlier, some sanitary ware enterprises operated lightly on assets, rarely invested in equipment and R & D, and mostly looked for manufacturers to select models and buy new products from manufacturers. Although this approach has small capital investment and fast product listing, it is easy to form homogeneous competition and be imitated, and can not form a real "moat" and competitive advantage.

Some people in the industry said that in the long run, with the elimination of backward production capacity caused by industrial concentration and environmental protection pressure, the market share of leading enterprises in the industry will continue to expand, and they will promote industry standardization and large-scale reform through transformation, upgrading and integration, and small and medium-sized brands will be accelerated.

Ding Wei believes that with the change of consumption concept, technology R & D and application, the sanitary ware industry has ushered in industrial upgrading and is changing from price competition to R & D competition, technology competition and value-added service competition. The industry is returning to product quality from channel competition. Hengjie sanitary ware is also making concerted efforts in raw materials, manufacturing, design, R & D and after-sales service to drive resources with projects and attract talents.

Facing the new phenomenon of industry development, Ding Wei said that in recent years, the transaction volume of second-hand houses has shown an upward trend, and the demand for local transformation of old houses has increased, which also puts forward new requirements for the sanitary ware industry. Consumers prefer the one-stop intelligent bathroom overall solution, forcing the industry not only to provide consumers with a single product, but also to have the service ability of the intelligent bathroom overall solution.

Turning to the development trend of the industry, Ding Wei believes that intelligence can not be simply understood as Internet access, remote control, voice control, etc., but innovates and develops intelligent technology around industry problems and consumption pain points. The leading of intelligent technology is not to show off technology, but to improve the experience of consumers.

Industry insiders said that in the future, enterprises that can sensitively capture market pain points, invest in R & D and manufacturing, and form patented technologies and overall solutions will form differentiated advantages in market competition.

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